Friday, June 5, 2009

Baby making Baby

I'm a big baby. Last night I had what I think is more than a Braxton Hick. Those I think are when parts of my stomach feel like the baby is grabbing my flesh and pulling in which is not too bad, just mildly annoying. Last night I was up until two, my whole uterus was like stone and my body hurt all around me like a big innertube was around me squeezing me tighter and tighter and I couldn't make it stop. I wanted to puke but I couldn't. I thought it might be severely trapped gas, but I don't think it was. Bryce was a pal and took the rolling pin to me as I squirmed around the bathroom in pain. I don't know how I am going to handle actual labor after that little episode. That pain lasted over an hour, do contractions last that long? I thought they were only like 5 minutes, but maybe I am thinking about the time in between them. Ahhh, it is coming so soon.


Emm said...

The best things you can do when your contractions start to kick it up a notch is to use them as "practice". From now on when them happen, just use what you have learned in your birth classes and apply them. Its a good time to figure out what works for you and what does not.

If it makes you feel any better it was all I could do to walk out of the grocery store a few night ago :)

One Artist a Day said...

Thanks Em