Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The X Factor

I'm still trying to figure out this blogging as a job thing. First is trying to figure out followers. We were on Crunchgear and we got 166 views from that. The whole time I have been doing giveaways to help boost traffic. I have done a few giveaways where I have put a little money into it ($10-$20) and they have gone well. Maybe 27 entrees max. Last week I do everything the same way, my giveaway is travel samples I have collected that are nothing big. No money put into it whatsoever. I get 1,323 views that day and over 320 entrees. I thought I hit is big, then this week, I do the same thing again, plus a few more things and I am only at 8!!!! I don't get it. Someone teach me the ways oh blogging masters.

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