Monday, July 13, 2009

1 cm

Brenda wanted to take a look at me since I thought that yesterday I may have had some water breakage (if I did it was just the first layer and not the second). She tested all sorts of things from things that could indicate pre-eclampsia to diabetes. I am as healthy as an ox. As is baby whose non-stress test showed great heartbeats.
I had my first vaginal check with her, which indicated that I was still in tack, but she said good things on the horizon. I am 1 cm dialated. Yes, I know that is so little, but it is so exciting. My cervix is also off to the left so she gave me some positions to stretch in for 15 - 30 min. One is really kind of hard. She also told me to drink more as women make up about 50% of the amniotic fluid and the longer the baby is in the stomach and fluid escapes the less boyancey there is for the cord to float around. I definitely want to avoid any cord problems being that it is so common and a big fear of people when I tell them about home birth. Even though the midwives do the same things doctors do with cord problems, undo them.
Brenda said she want us to come back next Monday, if she doesn't see us sooner, so there is a possibility that I will not be birthing this week either, but not for sure. I am ok with that, even though I am impatient.

1 comment:

Emm said...

Hey hang in there, the little guy will be here before you know it (I am banking on its a boy). There is a great eggplant recipe that is really good that I ate both nights before I went into labor. They say its the basil and oregano in it. But from experience this is much tastier than eating a tablespoon of dried basil. I also mowed my lawn the day before both Isaac and Eliza were born.

The fact is he'll come when he is ready, but there are better things to try than caster oil :)