Thursday, June 17, 2010

I found a way to eat yogurt

I hate yogurt. Besides reminding me of high school dieting, it also has a weird texture to me and an acidic smell. This is not a big problem except that I am a Candida sufferer and yogurt is usually the first thing you are recommended to eat.

So this week in an attempt to use the rotten bananas in the house (another thing I don't eat much of) I made a smoothie with some strawberries and then again with some pineapple. I love it. Making a smoothie totally takes out the texture of eating mayo or some other kind of dip. It also smells so yummy.

This may sound silly but I know several people who don't like cooked carrots but it raw carrots in a heartbeat.


Joy said...

yay smoothies! and to get natural probiotics for candida, go for fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchee, or kombucha. oregano oil and especially black walnut kill yeast/fungus! dairy sugars can exacerbate the problem.

Joy said...
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