6-12 month is the time of developing pincer grab and crawling. Because Link started grabbing things and passing things in his hands long before his time, I knew he probably would have the pincer grip down if we let him. The only problem is small things like that going into the mouth should be edible and I wasn't quite sure we were up to cherrio stage yet. However, last night Link and I went out for Valentines and while we were waiting for a table I let him chew on some super thick business cards. Sure, this might make me a bad mum, but I always let Link chew on paper products. I was sure he wouldn't be able to chew into these glossy things, but the next thing I knew a corner was gone. When I looked in his mouth I saw it on his tongue and when I did a finger swipe he went gulp and down the hatch it went. So at dinner I set out the oyster crackers that came with the soup to see how he would do. Well, at 6 months, yes, he can do the pincer grab! However, he has trouble with releasing. So no crackers ever made it to his mouth, just on the floor. I am not surprised. He loves to take things out of boxes but never tries to put things in boxes. With blocks, I think he is trying to stack but he ends up just knocking over towers with the block in his hand and it took him a long time before he opened his hands as a baby. Even today he doesn't clap with open hands.
Crawling? Nope, not there yet. We have a pretty stationary boy. He never really mastered rolling over completely and he doesn't really scoot. However he does go from sitting to belly sometimes and I let him wiggle in his frustration to try to grab an object for a little bit to encourage movement. His latest movement development is that of putting his arms up when he wants to be picked up. That usually gets him where he wants to go.
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