Saturday, December 12, 2009

Wear or Stroll

Now that the sidewalks and pathways are icy on these hilly streets I am facing a dilema. Despite the fact that I wear grips on my shoes I almost always slip at least twice. So, do I carry Lincoln with the possibility of falling forward on him or having a bone breaking experience in trying to protect him instead of myself or do I travel with him in the stroller. If I slip he would be fine. That is of course if I wasn't on a hill. Our stroller has no hand breaks, just a foot break. There is no way I can manipulate a foot brake while my feet are flying in the air. And I would not like seeing my son fly down a hill and possibly into traffic or into an ice cold river. Just as worse case scenerios play out in my head every time I fasten the seat belt in my car, so to am I now concerned about walking.


Jen said...

Can you fashion a "leash" for your stroller? Or pick up a jogging stroller (most have leashes) on craigslist? In my area they are always selling older/generic brands for like $25. Jogging strollers have monsterous wheels, too, which would be a bonus in snow and ice!

FWIW, I would still be OK wearing, I think (hard to say for sure since i'm in Atlant). if you fell, you would most likely either fall on hands and knees, or fall backwards. Give it a go when you have someone to walk with you in case you slip, and you can see how it feels.

me said...

Yea I would say stroller is less scary, especially with a leash - maybe a long one.