1. Agnes signed up for driver's ed so it has been a whirl wind of meetings,
faxes, letters, and such to get her to get an American permit and
such. And unfortunately when she went for the test which we were told
over and over would be in Norwegian it was not and she was unprepared
for the measurements like feet and miles and failed, but after a few more attempts she got it.
Never before had he formed an attachment, but bunny now is it. |
2. Link's day care was on vacation so Link and and I spent a lot of time together. We painted and did lots of projects. Link is having a mental growth spurt right now. A whole new sense of awareness is showing and he is non stop talking mode.
Link and Taryn won the cake walk. Taryn was so surprised and overjoyed. Link was hungry. |
3. We went to McGregor Library's Halloween party (which they had a week early). I couldn't find Link's Flash costume so he went as Superman (thanks G-ma for the discounted costumes from last year). He played some new games, but was really tired (especially after a full hour of gymnastics and tap first) so we ended up with a tantrum.
Table setting prior to getting the pork out. |
4. I was in the pork cook off again. I made chocolate pork chops that I tried to imitate from Kuai. Not a main winner again this year, but it was a lot of fun.
5. I presented an award at the 4-H award ceremony and surprisingly was presented an award myself.
6. The shirt I had worn that day for Farm 2 School and the ceremony ended up getting stained so I went to Maurice's and updated my wardrobe a bit.
Amy Winehouse and Witch playing a candy corn game. |
7. Sadie and Jason had a costume pirate party on the 27th. We dug out some scarves and headed over for the fun. We played some great games and had some good fun around the bonfire.
8. Agnes, Link and I went to Cedar Rapids on Sunday to get her a cell phone. We found out that iwireless is the only place around here that sells unlocked phones (allowed to get another service in another country). We also got ugg type shoes at Abercrombie.
Agnes with her new phone. Me with a cucumber water. |
9. We had a wonderful meal at Cibo that Link ate all of, even though he was running circles in the restaurant. And later Agnes wanted to try Orange Leaf, which I had never tried before. It was pretty good. You make your own frozen yogurt sundae and pay by the ounce. For my indecisive nature it wasn't something that I would do again soon, but it was still fun.
10. Dad came over and put up the mirror in the bathroom, so we are a few steps closer to getting the house done.
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