2. Mel Bartholomew and his square foot gardening book (which I have renewed 4 times in a row at the library).

3. Playing Noah's Ark with the Bell Choir and wearing rainbow colors.
4. A New Orleans Meal for Mission Fundraiser made by Katrina transplants who live in our town.
5. The color purple. I am really drawn to this color this spring and am adding it to my life in many different ways.

6. Finding a random dance party in Volney and joining in. Someone else's 30th birthday. I don't even know who the guy was but got my 30 year old dance party in.
7. Bridesmaids- the funniest movie I have seen in a long time. I really feel like this film created a new genre that was missing in cinema. Chick flicks that are as funny as male comedies, like "The Hangover."

8. Eating, Drinking, and working at The Taste of Dishntunes.com.
9. Two days of summer sun and heat.
10. Getting to say one last goodbye to Abby Dog at the Bruxvoort Colligans.

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