Lincoln went to his first funeral today. He was amazing. He was awake the whole time and barely made a peep. He has been up a lot these past two days, which has been a lot of fun. He has been doing a lot of smiles and coos. I have been playing some games with him. Mostly sticking my tongue out at him and watching him imitate. I also give him all kinds of kisses. FYI- when giving a butterfly kiss remember if you are wearing glasses or not. We also are jumping a lot with his legs. Last night he was s wide awake we didn't know what to do. He finally settled when we put his on his tummy. Don't yell at me baby police.
There has been some downsides to having him up all the time too. This week has been the largest work week I have had since giving birth. Fortunately almost everything can be done from the comfort of my home. I have three regular clients with freelance designing and all of them had projects this week. I also did senior photos and I really want to get in the kitchen and start some other projects I had in mind. However, laundry, dishes, all those basic things seem never ending now that there are three of us.
I finally tried the pump. I was given three hand held and one electric (or so I thought). What the electric ended up being was the accessory set to an electric pump you rent from the hospital. So I tried the hand held which was a task. I tried while breast feeding and there was just not enough hands or space. I even had Bryce pump a little bit for me but in the end I still ended up with just the tiniest amount. So I bought an electric online yesterday. I wanted to wait for insurance to cover the cost but I don't think our hospital bill is coming anytime to soon and with Spirations weekend coming up I need to have milk available for Bryce when I am in session, no matter how expensive. I also bought some night time bras because I am wearing my underwires to bed, which is not very comfortable, but if I go braless I am like Old Faithful. Maybe I could just fill the bottle I try to pump in by ringing out my shirts in the morning. Breastfeeding is a whole new change in wardrobe as well. I went through all my clothes and tucked away shirts that could not easily pull down over my boobs or pull up if I really need to. I also got to put all my pants back into my drawer. It is great to be back in my pre-pregnancy clothes. And the best part is I am 10 lbs lighter so nothing is tight even. Although the stretch marked flabbiness is rather unappealing.
All in all I am staying pretty happy. Babies do that to you. At least Link does. His crabbiness lasts only seconds. I think we know how to nurture him well (thank you Dr. Sears and the Happiest Baby weirdo). And he is pretty well mannered anyway. Mylicon drops are like a miracle drug whenever we can't take it (usually when he has gas so bad his stomach is like a stone). One drop of those drops and they flow through his body so fast he stops crying immediately.
We are doing pretty well on the cloth diapering now that we have a few more. (We could still use more, pretty much the only NEED we have at the moment.) Phil and Teresa pampered us with diaper stuff and some great gifts. We got the Vaccine Book which I was really happy because I had checked it out on inter library loan and that is not long enough when you need it as a resource book. They also sent us "The Happiest Baby on the Block" book. We watched the video at the hospital, but the book is even funnier. We love the techniques, they really do work, but the doctor is a total tool (to use my friends favorite word this month). Here are some funny passages Bryce and I have enjoyed laughing at:
"Actually, these experiences trigger a profound neurological response never before recognized or reported- until today." (He thinks he is a profound genius)
Actually, that is all I am going to report today. There are other funny lines that make us say "You don't have to sell us the book is already in our hands" but it is a good read none the less.
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