I think this was my last pregnancy class. The next one is in two weeks on July 8. If I don't have a child by then I will be in a bad state. I am starting to have frequent tightenings in my upper belly and I don't know if the baby has dropped but I think maybe. My yoni is tightening just as often and when I walk around I instantly feel like I have to pee. Even though when I sit down on the toilet I don't have a drop in me.
Tonight Ben and Katia (who were at our first meeting) came and talked about their birth experience. I remember seeing Katia so big and thinking, "Wow, she is going to be the first to go. I wonder who will be next?" I didn't realize at the time it would be me.
It would have been fun to have Katia and her baby Anya (2 months) in this photo with us, but they had to take off half way through the session. Jen also wasn't there.
So in this photo is Moira (midwife #2 due at the end of July), Melissa (due at the end of August) and daughter Windsor, Sadie (due at the end of September), Lisa (due at the end of July) and myself (due now).
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