So it is finally sinking in that baby could come at any time now. I am more aware of my body and more aware of my environment. It could be 60 some days yet or it could be 3, no one knows.
My friend Jasmine is throwing me an on-line baby shower, which is such a great idea and so kind. I have been absolutely overjoyed with each gift, and I think some of you know how excited I am just to get the mail everyday so it is a blast. Thus far my friend Camilla gave me a gift certificate to Amazon which I quickly used to acquire all the boring stuff that I need for the home delivery that no one really wants to buy for someone. I mean how fun can it be to look at a registry and say "I think I will purchase the sterile gauze and vomit bucket for this baby shower."
Next came a cute little cloth diaper and a gift certificate for more from Sarah and Katy. I'm excited because I know diapers is going to be one of the biggest expenses and we are really looking into doing cloth, which is even more expensive upfront, but not in the long run. Fortunately at our next birthing pow-wow we will be having a speaker on cloth diapering so I will find out what is essential. (This doesn't mean I won't use the 400 year before it biodegrades diaper from time to time).
Yesterday it was a Moby wrap from Debbie. I am a big supporter of baby wearing and I am excited to own my first Moby. Of course I am overwhelmed with how to use it, but we will be having a session on that too, so I am not too worried. The brochure actually looks really fun, except for the backpack wrap. I think that might be a three person job.
Shannon -
I have bags of things for you. These include great swaddling cloths, a baby bjorn, tons of those cute socks you registered for, and of course tons of clothes. We'd be happy for you guys to have this stuff and we're keeping our fingers crossed it's a boy so that the clothes will work out. I know getting new things is the best but perhaps we should chat by phone and go through your list so that you don't end up getting two of some things and zero of things you don't need?? And of course if you don't want our stuff I understand - but know the offer is out there!!
PS. We also have an infant car seat....
We would be thrilled at all you have to offer. All the things you mentioned we do not have. The latest thing my mom brought today was a changing table. So that and a crib is the basic things we have. I don't mind if we have nothing new.
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