Sunday, June 23, 2013

Link at the pool

I took link to the pool today and he had a blast.  We went to the kiddie pool first and I'm not sure if he had any memories of last year.  We headed straight for the deep end and he danced and played with a pool noodle for about an hour.  Then we went to the big pool and lots of his friends were there.  He walked all the way until he was neck deep.  He had a blast, minus 10 minutes of screaming when he received his first bee sting.  He was grabbing the gutter area to pull himself up and must have put his hand right on a bee.  He screamed and I saw a dead bee floating in the pool and a giant stinger still in his hand.  He cried about it for a while and then we went and got an ice cream taco and everything was again right in the world.

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