Friday, February 15, 2013

Link at 3.5

Link likes to play legos and magnetic building blocks and trains.
He also likes to play pretend with combination characters like roller skate doctor or super cowboy.

He is starting to get into reading, picks up pretty easily.  He can tell you what sounds the letters make and if he hears a sound we have been working on he notices.  Like today he said "If, starts with an F."  Yes, technically not right, but he is hearing the right letter.

Link likes to make up words by combining what he hears.  He gets stuck on certain combos like Won-toncentrate and Mistakery.  He could come up with some good band names. 

He doesn't like using pens and pencils very much.  I've had some luck with markers and stamps, but coloring is not on his list of fun activities.

He still takes one nap a day.  This and when he goes to bed is usually accompanied by reading 3 books (his age) and me lying with him until he falls asleep.  This is a habit we will be working on getting away from. 

Link loves going to daycare now.  He also loves to come home and say "I went to Joan's house today and I did nothing, I just stood there."  He will often talk about Joan, his day care provider, but he rarely talks about the kids.  I've noticed some things he says that I assume he gets from kids at day care.  Like saying "lumber" now instead of "number" and a new favorite phrase "Whats a heck?"

Link has grown to like gymnastics and tap.  He loves the song they are rehearsing called "Leave it to me."  He is a little behind in his class.  The others can all lift their head off the floor when doing a back bend, some can do back rolls, be he is learning a lot.  He likes his teacher.  Sometimes I see the other girl's boss him around, which saddens me. 

He loves story hour with Jane in McGregor.  We go on Tuesdays and I am not sure I can give it up, though I could be sending him to daycare on this day and working.  He loves it so much and I love seeing my other mom friends.

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