Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Link at 3 months

Windy Halloween Day, originally uploaded by Shannon Marye.

Halloween was when we found out when we were pregnant and it is about the time Link turned three months. Our awesome son is very sturdy on his legs and sitting up, but is still working on balance. He is weighing in at 21 lbs. He very accurately grabs at things and can pull, pick up and resist pulling. He is a thumb sucker, but not very often. He loves to smile, laugh and flirt. He likes to yell and coo at his toys and can almost roll over (those shoulders get in the way). He has become a very vocal pooper which has made us aware of how much he poops which is all the time.
He is almost out of his cloth diapers so you know what is on our Christmas list. He has become a distracted nurser and can barely eat when there is a lot of commotion which makes him hungry and angry. The thrush/yeast is almost completely gone. We are not giving up until it is gone for a good few weeks.


me said...

oh i see now! you're pregnant!?!

me said...

oh you're talking about last year. my mistake.