Friday, January 16, 2009

The light switch

Three people told me when their morning sickness went away it was like a switch had been flipped, night and day. Well, I am not sure if I had that experience, but I think I know what they were talking about as far as feel good hormones rushing to the brain. For the past three days I have been what Bryce calls "weird." I got this way once in a while when I was really happy prior to my pregnancy, but never for so long. This heightened giddiness I can suppress most places, even though it leaks out a little, but at home nothing stops me. This means uncontrollable laughter, wanting to squeeze everything that comes in my path, and acting a lot like a cat. If the whole second trimester is like this I don't know if I can take it. It is almost like being in a constant state of the peak of an orgasm. I feel like my head is going to explode if something doesn't happen. When I get this way I wonder if I have a mild case of bi-polar disorder. Anyway, I Feel Good. Ah ha ha ha ha. Windmill, Windmill for the land. Love forever hand in handm. Take it all in on your stride. It is sinking, falling down. Love forever love is free. Let's turn forever you and me. Windmill, windmill for the land. Is everybody in?

1 comment:

me said...

wow. wish i could see you like that. call me at least!